Nanjing South Rail Station Greenland Window
紧靠南京南站北广场, 设计以“竹林带”的方式创造一系列耳目一新的实用体验空间,将景观功能空间有效组织,塑造完整的营销体验过程。以一种简单而特别的方式塑造商办项目营销体验空间,舍去多元景观元素,竭力将“空、禅”理念融入商业办公景观。
The project is next to South Rail Station in Nanjing. The design uses the idea of bamboo belt to create a new experimental space, merging well with the landscape and sales center. The simple and unique method shapes sales space and multi-landscape element is introduced to reach the concept of Zen.